Aerial Seeding using plane

Arial seeding removes soil concerns and allows for in-season overseeding onto an existing crop.

An airplane or helicopter can accomplish more in one hour than ground equipment can in an entire day

Aerial Seeding is the process of sowing seeds through the use of plane or helicopter and is considered to be a broadcast method of seeding. 

Aerial application also allows seeding to be done when it is physically impossible to use ground equipment, such as when crops are present, or when the soil is too wet for regular equipment. Seeding, germination, and growth of cover crops can begin even before the existing crop has been harvested. This is especially important in areas where there is a very small window of opportunity between crop harvest and the end of the growing season. Waiting to seed a cover crop until after crop harvest may result in poor results because of the cold temperatures or moisture stress.

Airplane for Aerial Seeding

What you can expect from us

While aerial seeding as a process provides many advantages on its own we make sure our equipment and customer service are exceptional as well. We provide a customer first approach and make sure our client's interests are always at the forefront.

Aerial seeding plane taking off

Plants often seeded through aerial methods

  • Perennial Rye, Sudan grass
  • Soybeans, Buckwheat
  • Hairy Vetch, Corn
  • Cereal Rye, Winter Wheat
  • Oats, Mammoth or medium Red Cover
  • Sweet Clover, Berseem Clover
  • Crimson Clover, Perennial Rye Timothy
  • Perennial Rye Red Fescue, Perennial Rye Bluegrass
  • Perennial Rye Red Top, Red Clover Timothy

Farmers and researchers have concluded that planting should occur during moist conditions or rainfall to achieve the best results.

Don't wait until after harvest! Seed your crops today!

815 429 3147

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